The Race Roster platform offers the ability for event organizers to ask their participants to provide personal information regarding sex and gender in a variety of ways during the registration process. By default, Race Roster will display the options for sex (male, female), but can also be toggled to display alternative options for gender identity as well (man, woman, non-binary, gender fluid, gender non-conforming, or gender queer, or 'prefer not to disclose'). You can read how to create a custom gender registration on your event page here:
Gender refers to the socially constructed ideas about the characteristics, norms, roles behaviour and actions performed by a particular sex. Gender is fundamentally different from sex assigned at birth.
Other terms related to gender that you may want to know include but are not limited to:
- Sex/Biological Sex – The medical term based on the physical characteristics and anatomy used to designate people as male, female, or intersex. Biological sex is distinct from gender.
- Sex Assigned at Birth (SAAB) – Refers to the sex, separate from their gender identity that someone was given at birth based on their external anatomy.
- Gender Identity – Refers to a person’s internal and individual perception and experience of their gender. Gender identity can align or differ from the gender the were assigned at birth. A person’s gender identity can change over time as they learn about themselves and learn more terminology.
In order to provide the most inclusive gender language and options for your participants, we suggest using the terms below to best encompass the various gender identities that your participants may align with:
- Woman
- Man
- Non-Binary, Gender-fluid, Gender Non-Conforming, or Gender queer
- Two-spirit
- Trans Woman - Male to Female (MtF)
- Trans Man - Female to Male (FtM)
- Not specified above <Please Specify>_________
- Prefer not to answer
Non-Binary: A term used to describe a person whose gender exists outside the binary gender categories of male/masculine and female/feminine. Non-binary identities exist on and off the gender spectrum, and the term can be used solely to describe one's gender and/or it can also be used as an umbrella term; or a continuum or spectrum for identities and expressions that exist outside of the binary of woman and man (i.e. agender, genderqueer, bigender, non-binary, gender fluid, etc.). The term is based on the rejection of the gender binary’s assumption that gender is strictly an either/or option of male/men or female/women, based on sex assigned at birth.
Gender-Fluid: A term used to describe a person who experiences gender fluidly, and does not have a fixed gender identity. They may move between many gender identities and expressions at different times.
Gender Non-Conforming: An umbrella term used to describe a person who who identifies or expresses themselves outside of the gender binary and/or does not conform to society’s expectations for their gender identity, roles and/or gender expression.
Genderqueer: An umbrella term used to describe a person who does not follow gender stereotypes based on the sex they were assigned at birth. They may identify and express themselves as “feminine
men” or “masculine women” or as androgynous, outside of the categories “boy/man” and
Trans is an abbreviation and umbrella term that includes transgender, transsexual, gender non-conforming, and gender questioning persons. It is used to describe individuals who do not conform to what society usually defines as a man or a woman, but exist between or cross over the gender spectrum.
Female to Male (FtM): A person who was assigned female at birth but has a male gender
identity. FtM may sometimes identify as a transman or man.
Male to Female (MtF): A person who was assigned male at birth but has a female gender
identity. MtF might identify as a transwoman or woman.