Creating a series page allows for event organizers to offer their registrants the opportunity to register for multiple events within one single registration form. Participants can still register for any of the individual events within a series page from each individual event's respective registration page if desired.
1. Sign into your Race Roster account and land on your welcome page. From the top righthand corner of your page, click the green create button and select create a series.
2. Begin entering in your series details information into the first step of the series page creation process. Series details include series name, location, description, time zone, which events are part of the series, etc. Click save and continue when complete.
When selecting which events to add to your series, you must ensure that:
- Your Race Roster account has full control staff access on the event you want to add to the series
- You are listed as a creator under your staff access on the event you want to add to the series
- The event must be in either the live or private status to be added to the series
3. Create any series discounts for registrants who register for a certain amount of events if needed, as well as any necessary date ranges that this discount should apply during. Click save and continue once complete.
4. Enable promoter marketing if you'd like to allow for your participants to promote your event online and receive kickbacks for their successful referrals to your event. Select your payout affiliate type + payout value per referral completed by a promoter. Click save and continue once complete.
5. Event organizers have the option of creating a series waiver during the initial setup process, or, by leaving the series waiver field blank, your series will automatically display the custom waivers that are set up on each of the individual event pages within the series.
(Waiver agreement page displaying the custom waivers from each individual event as opposed to the series waiver)
6. Add the main contact information for your series. This contact information will appear at the bottom of your event page exactly as it does on a regular event page.
7. Brand your event with a logo, banner image, and any colour schemes to match your desired look for your series page. Click save once complete. Your series will now be visible on your welcome page along with your other events.
When viewing your series page, you can review your event details page and registration form to find all of the events that you included in the series. Participants will now be able to complete multiple registrations for these different events all in one transaction.
Once you are content with your series page and have properly configured all settings from each individual page's dashboard, you can take your series page live from your settings overview from the lefthand side menu.
Things to note:
- Series page dashboards have limited functionality in comparison to an event page's dashboard. A series page acts as a placeholder for each of the individual events. Certain configurations must be done from the individual event's dashboard to appear on a series page (registration questions, sub-events, pricing, etc.) and certain functions will only display on the individual event's page entirely (transfers, fundraising, etc.)
- Sub-event visibility on the series page can be configured from the sub-event settings within each individual event page's dashboard.
- After a registration is complete, you will be able to view participants from the series page dashboard participant list, as well as from the participant list from each individual event page that a registration was completed on.