1. Log into your dashboard as an Event Organizer.
2. Navigate to the left of your screen to the search bar in the Event Organizer menu. Search and select Team Settings.
3. You will be directed to the Team Settings overview page.
4. Click + Add team category. Team categories are needed in order for your participants to create/join teams.
5. After clicking + Add team category, you will want to name the team category, select the team type, and set a minimum and a maximum number of participants.
After setting up your Team Category and checking off any necessary fields, you will need to create a question in order for the registrant to select their leg/segment.
6. Click + Add question, title your question, and select multiple-choice as your question type.
7. When selecting multiple-choice, you will want to choose segments as your type of multiple choice. This will allow registrants to select their desired segments. After a runner selects a segment, it will no longer be available as an option for the other teammates to choose from. Be to sure to click save at the bottom of the page.
After you have created your segment team question, you will want to go to your Results dashboard and set up the ability for each team member to submit their segment. To do this:
9. Navigate to the left of your screen to the search bar in the Event Organizer menu. Search and select Results.
10. You will then be directed to the Results/Timer Dashboard.
11. Open the race you want to apply the relay settings too. Be sure to name your race, select virtual as the result type, and check off the box relay race. You have the option to make this race a standard or a Runkeeper™ app event.
12. Under manage multi-sport segments & splits section you will want to add the appropriate number of segments/splits by clicking + Add segment.
13. After adding the appropriate number of segments, you will want to select the segment type, distance, unit of measurement, label the segment, and finally associate the team question option with each segment.
14. After you're satisfied with your set-up make sure to mark your results as public. This allows your participants to post their segment.
Once a participant posts their segment, you will see your leaderboard populate with the team and each individual's name and time under the segment they have completed.