1. Login to your dashboard as an Event Organizer.
2. Navigate to the left of your screen to the search box and search and select Fundraising.
3. Select the "..." button next to the name of the fundraising organization followed by Page styling.
4. You will be able to make edits to each section (Please click each section for more detail):
- Fundraising organization page settings:
Settings applied here will only apply to the fundraising organization's page.
- Individual fundraising page settings:
Settings here will only modify the individual's fundraising page if the fundraiser has set this organization as their only preferred fundraising organization or if this organization is the only fundraising organization on this event.
- Team fundraising page settings:
Settings here will only modify content on team fundraising pages.
- Fundraising thank you page settings:
Settings here will only modify content on the donation thank you page.
Settings here will override the copy that appears on both individual and team fundraising pages.
5. Once you're satisfied with your updated content, click Save or Save & exit to complete the process.