1. Go to https://inventory.raceroster.com/
2. On the dashboard, you will want to click + Create a reservation.
You will then be taken to the New Reservation page where you will be prompted to fill in the reservation details.
3. You will then want to select and fill in the following fields:
- Event: What event is affiliated with this reservation
- Check out Date: When you're checking out your equipment/kits
- Estimated Check-in Date: When you're planning on returning your equipment/kits
4. You will then need to reserve items. To reserve any equipment or a kit you will need to hit the + button beside your desired item.
5. Once you have added your items, you can add any additional items for this reservation that you may need to rent or borrow. To add additional items click the green + Add an item button.
6. Below there is a section where you can add any notes.
7. Once you're satisfied with your reservation, click save or save & return.