When it comes to displaying your Fundraising Organizations on your registration page, Race Roster offers a variety of ways to customize your Fundraising Organizations. Below, you will find instructions on how to reorder organizations, feature organizations, and how to hide your organization:
Display order settings
1. Login to Race Roster as Event Organizer.
2. Navigate to the left of your screen to the search box. Search and select Fundraising.
3. You will then be directed to your fundraising settings page.
4. In the Organizations section, you will see the Display order settings. Here you can decide if you want to Custom display order your fundraising organizations or display them Alphabetically (with custom options).
5. If you choose Custom display order, you will be able to rearrange the fundraising organizations in an order you desire. By clicking and dragging the hamburger button you will be able to rearrange each organization. Once you're satisfied with your order click the Save Now button to complete the process
6. If you choose Alphabetically (with custom options) your fundraising organizations will be alphabetically ordered
7. You will also be presented with an option for Featured organizations if you select Alphabetically (with custom options). Featuring" an organization adds it to the top of the list, allowing you to sort organizations to suit your needs. To feature a charity click the Managed featured organizations button.
8. From the Manage featured organizations modal you can select the tiered fundraising organization from the dropdown. Once you're satisfied with your order click Save.
Hiding Organizations
1. Login to Race Roster as Event Organizer.
2. Navigate to the left of your screen to the search box. Search and select Fundraising.
3. You will then be directed to your fundraising settings page.
4. In the Organizations section, you will see the option Show in registration. If this is toggled ON, participants will be able to donate to the fundraising organization during the registration process. If this feature is toggled OFF, then the user can only donate on the Event Details page or the Fundraising Organization's page.
5. You will also see the Visibility option. If this is toggled OFF the fundraising organization will not display in your event details, registration, or fundraising pages. Participants will be unable to donate to the fundraising organization.