1. Go to your event dashboard and ensure you are on the correct event.
2. Navigate to the top left-hand side of the screen to the search box. Search and select Transfers.
3. Under Transfer types select: Allow the participant to transfer to a new sub-event (i.e. distance transfers) and/or Allow a participant to transfer registration to a new participant in same sub-event (i.e. participant to participant transfer)
5. A message box will ask you You are about to edit an active event. Continue? Click OK
6. Click Manage settings button
NOTE: You can only manage the configurations of one type of transfer at a time (i.e. distance or person to person transfers)
OPTION 1: Apply original registration as credit towards new registration (i.e. 'gift' transfer)
This type of transfer is one of the most popular configurations. It allows an individual to use their original registration and product purchases (if applicable) towards a new sub-event registration or placed towards registration of another individual.
1. Click Manage settings
2. Select Apply original registration price as credit towards new registration
3. Under this section you will be asked:
- What would you like to apply as a credit? - You can select Registration and Product: This will allow the participant to use their original registration and product funds to purchase the new registration and select a new product.
- NOTE: If you do not select product, any purchased items in the original registration will not carry over to the new registration. The individual must select their product items again.
- What price would you like to apply to the second (following) registration? - You can select if you would like to have participants pay for the new sub-event's current or original price
4. Scroll down to the question If the cost of the new transfer is less than the original registration, what items would you like to refund? and select if you would like to refund any registration or product differences (if applicable).
Ex. If the individual is switching from a 10k that cost $50 to a 5k that is currently $30, you can indicate if the participant receives the $20 difference.
5. The final question Do you want to charge line items and taxes on the new registration price? allows you to add any applicable taxes or line items to the new registration transaction
6. The final step Transfer fee (optional) will allow you to add any transfer fees to the new transaction.
NOTE: Race Roster will bill your account $1.95 for each successful transfer. To recoup this expense, set a transfer fee of at least $1.95 in the box provided.
OPTION 2: Charge the new registration and refund the old registration
When using this type of transfer, it is important to note that the intention is to have the original registration fully refunded and removed and the new registration at the current price paid for and added to the participant list.
1. Click Manage settings
2. Select Charge the full current registration price of sub-event
3. Begin with the question What items would you like to refund to the original registrant?, best practice should be selected for both Registration and Swag.
NOTE: If Swag is not selected, the original merchandise purchased will be removed from the participant and the funds from said transaction will be kept. We recommend selecting refund so that the participant can re-select their merchandise and pay for it in their new registration.
4. The final question Do you want to charge line items and taxes on the new registration price? allows you to add any applicable taxes or line items to the new registration transaction
5. The final step Transfer fee (optional) will allow you to add any transfer fees to the new transaction.
NOTE: Race Roster will bill your account $1.95 for each successful transfer. To recoup this expense, set a transfer fee of at least $1.95 in the box provided.
OPTION 3: Registrant only pays the transfer fee (if set)
The Registrant only pays the transfer fee (if set) option will remove the new sub-event price from the new registration.
1. Click Manage settings
2. Select Registrant only pays the transfer fee (if set)
3. When using this type of transfer, the new participant will fill out the new registration form, but they are also responsible for selecting and paying for their new product purchases
4. Our recommendation is that the question What items would you like to refund to the original registrant? will have Swag selected.
NOTE: If Swag is not selected, the original merchandise purchased will be removed from the participant and the funds from said transaction will be kept. We recommend selecting refund so that the participant can re-select their merchandise.
5. The final question Do you want to charge line items and taxes on the new registration price? allows you to add any applicable taxes or line items to the new registration transaction
6. The final step Transfer fee (optional) will allow you to add any transfer fees to the new transaction.
NOTE: Race Roster will bill your account $1.95 for each successful transfer. To recoup this expense, set a transfer fee of at least $1.95 in the box provided.