1. From your event dashboard, click on Settings -> Products from the lefthand side menu.
2. Click, + Add new product.
3. In the Product details section, you can enter the following information.
- Name: The title of your product.
- Description: If you want to add any additional information regarding the product you can here.
- Product options: You can select there are no options for this product or this product has multiple options. Options are variations of your product, such as t-shirt sizes.
4. In Photos, you can add a photo of your product by clicking the box to upload a photo. You can upload as many photos as you want to display the different options. You can also upload GIFs.
5. For Product registration settings, you will be able to enable the following options:
- Only apply to specific sub-events: You can restrict selection of this product during registration to some of or all of your sub-events.
- Allow multiple quantities: You can determine how many times the product can be added to the customer's registration
- Bundle registrations: Only apply this product once on bundle registration.
Once you're satisfied with your Product details, click save & continue. You will then arrive in the Pricing & Inventory section.
7. Select how you would like to price your product:
- Give this product away for free
- Sell this product
- Some for free, then for sale
Apply any necessary tax categorizations or tax rates to your product.
Determine if you have a limited inventory or not by selecting:
- Unlimited number of products
- Products are limited
6. In the display options section, you have the option to display:
- Show sold out products
- Show sold out product options
- Show quantity remaining for options
7. For Additional registration settings, you can choose if you want to make the product selection mandatory in registration
8. Set up visibility and availability dates for either specific products or product options for both registration and store product purchases. These settings allow event organizers to have separate and custom close dates for products/options for both the registration process and the product store.
You will have the option of using:
- The default registration start and end dates for your event
- Custom availability (select custom end date)
9. If you have options for your products, list all the available options from your Options settings. To add an option, click + Add option.
10. Once you're satisfied with the product, click save & return and your product will be created and automatically added to your registration.
If you have any questions about creating a product, please contact us at director@raceroster.com