When managing contacts within your organization, you may have a reason to update data in bulk for a group of contacts. Perhaps you want to assign a specific contact tag to denote a loyalty or rewards program level for a given list of 100 contacts. As another example, you may want to mark a set of 25 contacts from Mailchimp who've since unsubscribed from your mailing list as "Unsubscribed" in your organization as well. Race Roster CRM users can now:
- apply and/or remove contact tags in bulk
- edit subscription statues in bulk
for their organizational contacts using the update contacts tool. Follow the steps below to learn how.
Bulk updates are completed using .CSV files. For each update, the file must contain column headers as the first row. In addition,
- if updating subscription status, there must be Email and Subscribed columns
- the Subscribed column must contain either Y (for Yes, Subscribed) or N (for No, Unsubscribed)
- if updating one or more contact tags, there must be a Contact ID column, or First name, Last name and Email address columns; there must also be an Assign/Add tags column and/or a Remove tags column
- the Assign/Add tags column must contain the exact name(s) of the tag(s) you'd like to assign to the contacts, separated by a comma and a space; these may be brand new tags and/or tags that already exist in your organization
- the Remove tags column must contain the exact name(s) of the tag(s) you'd like to remove from the contacts, separated by a comma and a space; these must be tags that already exist in your organization
For a seamless upload experience and to minimize errors, we recommend using our sample file.
How to bulk-update contacts
1. From the organization's dashboard, use the navigation bar on the left to select "Contacts".
2. From the Contacts page, click the white "Update contacts" button on the top right.
3. Now that you are on the Update contacts page, read the tips and requirements, use the guide, and download the sample file (our spreadsheet template) if you haven't already. This will minimize the potential for errors by helping you prepare a compatible .CSV file.
4. Click the blue "Choose from files" button and select the appropriate .CSV file from your device. You'll be able to see the file name reflected. Then, click the green "Upload" button on the bottom right.
5. On the next page, map the columns in the spreadsheet to the system default columns. Use the various "Uploaded columns" dropdown menus to select for column correspondence. Map only those which are necessary for the bulk update you're wanting to make. Once ready, click the green "Finish uploading" button on the bottom right.
6. Once the upload is complete, you will be brought to the "History" tab. There, you will see a chart listing all of your bulk uploads. A summary of the upload will be available for you to review.
Please note: The upload summary will advise you on the success and/or error status.
Success messaging:
- X rows were successfully uploaded - the total number of rows in the file that were accepted/error-free
- X contacts were updated - a row might apply to multiple contacts, so the system will also let you know the exact number of contacts that were bulk-updated
Error messaging:
- X rows failed because a corresponding contact could not be identified - the total number of rows that failed because the contact data provided did not match any current contacts in the organization
- X rows failed because the emails were used multiple times with conflicting data - when updating subscription statuses, including the same email address on more than one row can cause conflicts or unknowns
- X rows failed to be uploaded because of formatting issues - the following rows failed due to a formatting issue with some of your data. Please review your file and resolve any inconsistencies in formatting (ex - missing values or invalid characters)
X rows failed because columns needed to identify a contact were missing - the following rows failed because a contact ID, first name, last name, or email address was not provided.
(For example: the file only includes first and last names and is missing email addresses to identify a contact properly)
If you have any questions, please contact our support team via director@raceroster.com.