Within an organization, custom reports can be generated using the organization's contact list.
To learn how to create custom reports within your organization, please follow the steps below.
1. Log in to your Race Roster account and land on your homepage. Click on the organizations tab to access your organizations and navigate to the CRM tool. If you have not yet created an organization, please reference our guide on how to create an organization on Race Roster.
2. From your organization dashboard, click on Reports > Custom reports from the left sidebar.
3. From your Custom reports settings, click on the New report button to begin creating a custom report.
4. Give your New report a name, description and select the desired report type. You can also choose how you would like the report to update. If you select manual you can refresh the report whenever you need, with automatic you are able to pre-select from a list of intervals when the report will update. When you have completed this information, select next to move onto the report filters.
5. Select from the list of Available filters which criteria you would like to generate the report from. For example you might want to generate a report that includes data from events that occurred any year from 2021-2024.
This is possible from the list of operators where you can choose the option that best suits your need (i.e equal to any of, any event year between). You can include as many filters as you need to refine your data set. Once you are ready to see your data, select Generate report.
6. You can see your newly created report from the Custom Reports overview page. Select the hyperlinked portion of your report to see your data or simply select the view option from the actions button on the right hand side of the table. You can also refresh your data set, edit your filters or delete your report.
If you have any questions or concerns when creating a custom report, please contact us at director@raceroster.com