When a photo gallery is viewable by the public, photos can be marked as being "flagged" due to the photo containing any inappropriate or offensive material. This means the photo will be hidden from the general public, leaving the photo gallery owner with the ability to permanently remove the photo, or allow it to continue being displayed publicly on the event's gallery if deemed not to be inappropriate.
To learn how to manage flagged photos, please follow the steps below.
1. From your event dashboard, click on Apps -> Photos from the lefthand side menu.
2. From your photo gallery dashboard, click the settings button for the gallery you wish to open.
3. Within your photo gallery's settings, click on Upload photos to view any flagged photos.
4. If a photo has already been flagged, a warning banner will display at the top of page providing a quick link to view the flagged photo. Users can also scroll down to view photo group(s) and select the flagged filter to specifically view any photos that have been flagged from within the group.
5. Click on the flagged image. A modal will populate that will allow the photo gallery owner to either mark image as safe, or delete the photo entirely.
If you have any questions about how to manage flagged photos within your photo gallery, please contact us at director@raceroster.com