Race Roster has updated its participant list functionality with an improved display that pre-populates participants within the report by default, and now displays report filters on the righthand side of the page. This new display will allow for less scrolling, and allows the user to easily view all templating functionality at the top of the page.
From your event dashboard, click on Participants -> Participant list from the lefthand side menu. Alternatively, you can click view participants from the registration count box from the dashboard.
Participant List
The participant list will now populate participants included in the report by default when landing on the page without the need to click view results.
Display & Filters
The display and filter functionality has now moved from the top of the participant list to the righthand side. These settings are still used in the same way, allowing users to customize their reports with specific display parameters (sub-events, date formatting, country formatting, etc.) and fields containing participant information (first name, last name, email address, sub-event, etc.)
Both the display and column menus are collapsible, allowing the user to easily expand and scroll to view the options available without having to navigate far from the generated list of participants.
Clicking the view results button will re-generate the participant list with the selected fields applied to the report.
Bib filters and export options are now located under the display dropdown from the righthand side of the page. Bib filter options include:
- All assigned (bibs)
- Automatically assigned (automatic bib assignment)
- Manually assigned (uploaded or manually assigned)
- Modified bib numbers (any bib numbers that have been modified in any way)
- Bib unassigned (any runners without a bib number assigned yet)
- Export participants
Templating Settings
Event organizers can still create report templates to save for future uses that contain specific display and column criteria. Template settings are now found at the top of the page above the list of registered participants.
To save a template, click the Save template button at the top of the page to give your report template a name.
Click the Select template dropdown to select the saved template you wish to access and view.
Exporting Reports
Exporting your participant list to a csv. file can be done by clicking the Export button from the top of the page.
If you have any questions about how to navigate the new participant list, please contact us at director@raceroster.com