Event organizers on Race Roster have the ability to create custom registration questions that they can ask to their participants during the registration process. Questions can vary depending on the need of the event from topics such as collection personal information, running/athlete-specific information, marketing inquiries, etc.
To learn how to create a custom registration question, please follow the steps below.
1. From your event dashboard, click on settings -> registration questions from the lefthand side menu.
2. From your registration questions settings, click the green add new question button to begin creating your own custom registration question.
3. Begin entering in the following information for your custom question:
- Title
- What is the question you are asking?
- Ex: What is your estimated finishing time?
- Description (optional)
- Provide any additional information or context for the user to read when answering the question
- Only ask question between specified dates
- Only add question to specific sub-events
- Custom field (question will not be visible during registration)
- Make this question optional
4. If necessary, add your registration question to a question group if you wish to group it with other questions that follow a certain line of questioning or topic. Questions grouped together will appear together in the same section of the registration form as other questions added to the group.
5. Select the type of answer for this question. There are four different question types to select when creating a new registration question.
- Single-line text box
- Multi-line text box
- Multiple choice
- File upload
Depending on the type of answer, insert any necessary answer options that users can select, and click save once complete.
6. Bonus: If you wish to add any custom validation rules for your registration questions, click on Enable custom validation to open additional validation settings.
These settings will allow you to set specific parameters that must be followed by a user when submitting a response to a question. Validation options include:
- Character length
- Number
- Time input
- Loyalty card
- Custom
For example, if users should be submitted an estimated finishing time that specifically follows the HH:MM:SS (24H format), this can be configured as seen below.
7. Your question will now display in registration and can be further edited if needed.
If you have any questions about creating custom registration questions, please contact us at director@raceroster.com