Within the Onsite App, event organizers can allow for participants to complete the signing of waivers during the check in process if they did not sign their waiver during the initial registration. This setting can help ensure that events are collecting waiver signatures from all participants, ensuring that each participant has agreed to the terms set out by the event.
To learn how to enable waiver signing on your event, please follow the steps below.
1. If you have not already created a waiver, create a custom waiver. From your event dashboard, click on Settings -> Custom waiver from the lefthand side menu.
2. From your custom waiver settings, create your custom waiver with any terms and conditions you wish to include. Ensure that the setting allow additional registrants to sign their own waiver has been selected, as this is needed to display the waiver within the check in table and allow any additional registrants who were registered by their friends or family to sign their own waiver as they check in to the event.
3. Next, click on Apps -> Onsite App -> Sign in to Onsite from the lefthand side menu to sign in to Onsite app.
4. Sign in to your onsite app and select a check in device that you've created. After signing in, you will be redirected to the check in screen.
5. From your onsite check in screen, click Configure display from the top righthand corner of your page.
6. From your Configure display settings, enable the setting Signed Waivers to add a signed waiver column to your check in table display. When searching for a participant's name in the check in search, their waiver status will be viewable from the column provided. Users will have two options to complete the waiver signing:
- Sign now
- Opens a new tab for the users to sign into their Race Roster account and complete the waiver signature
- Sign via email
- Sends an email to the user's email address prompting them to click through and complete the waiver signing process
7. Upon accepting the waiver, the user's registration record will be updated within the event. The participant's newly signed waiver will now be retrievable from the event's participant list.
If you have any questions, please contact us at director@raceroster.com