Race Roster CRM contains tools you can use to manage your organizations. This kingdom allows event organizers responsible for multiple events on the platform to create one single organizational view across their various events from one dashboard. Contacts have been newly added to organizations, allowing organizers to search and view contact profiles for their participants who register for the events within their organization. Contact profiles include personal and registration data of the individual, as well as any customized notes that the organizer wishes to associate to a specific contact.
To learn how to view and access contacts from your organization, please follow the steps below.
1. From your homepage, click on the Organizations tab to view all of your organizations. Click View dashboard for the appropriate organization. If the page is blank, please follow this guide on how to create an organization on Race Roster CRM.
2. From your organization's dashboard, click on Contacts from the lefthand side menu.
3. From the contacts page, begin typing in the name of a specific contact who has registered for one of your organization's events. Contacts are generated and created uniquely based off of a combination of first name, last name, email address, date of birth, and zip/postal code.
Once the search has populated, click "View profile" to view the contact's information.
4. Within the contact profile, you can view their most up-to-date personal information based off their most recently completed registration within your organization. This information includes personal information, contact information, and past registration information.
5. To create custom note for a contact, click the green "+ Add note" button. Provide a title for the note, then use the "Description" field's multi-line text box to enter any specific details about the contact you might need for future reference. For example, you may want to label the runner as "Loyal" runners as a "loyal" runner if they have ran in your race for multiple years. Click save once you have completed your note.
6. Your updated contact profile will be saved with your custom note included.
Things to Note
Updating a participant's information from the participant list of your event will update the contact's profile information within your organization. Updates to participant information should apply within a minute.
If you have any questions about managing contacts within your organization, please contact us at director@raceroster.com