1. Log into your Race Roster account.
2. You will land on your Welcome Page where you can see all the events that you have registered for on Race Roster.
3. Under the Recent Registrations tab, click View registration on the event/registration you want to view in greater detail.
4. You will then be directed to your Participant Dashboard for that event.
5. To view and manage your team click the teams tab at the top of the page.
6. On the teams page, as a team captain you will be able to:
- Enable the option to receive email notifications when a new member registers
- Find and share your Team entry URL
- Find and share your Team fundraising URL
- View important details regarding your team members
7. Additionally, when you click the Team actions drop-down button you will also be able to:
- Edit team name
- Edit team information
- Send a message to your team members which they can view on their dashboard
- Export your team list as CSV file.