1. Go to your event dashboard
2. Navigate to the top of your screen and check that the correct event is showing in the white bar
3. Search Manage Devices in the search box on the left-hand side and click Manage Devices.
*Or alternatively, you can go to the left-hand menu click 'Apps' > Onsite App followed by Manage Devices
In this section, you will set up your devices (computers, tablets, etc) for your onsite registration, checkin, expo registration, donation station, etc.
To set up your first device click + Add Device
You will then be prompted to enter the following:
Device name: i.e. Laptop 1, Tablet 2, Name of individual
Description: i.e. Runner Check In 1, Registration device 1,
Device Passcode: Passwords must contain - at least nine characters, at least one uppercase letter, at least one lowercase letter, and at least one number.
Device type:
- Check-in: Check-in devices are intended to be managed by your volunteers. They can perform registrations, take donations, and use the check-in page to search for registrants, assign them a bib and check them in.
- Manager: Manager devices have all the ability of a POS (Point Of Sale) device: registration, donations, and check-ins with bib assignments. Manager devices also have the ability to edit and reassign bibs. These devices also have access to our onsite dashboard and transaction list to help you see how your team is doing. A manager device is linked to an event organizer on your team.
- Registration: Onsite registration devices are intended to be set up as a standalone device that allow your onsite registrants to perform their own registration. The app and the registration flow are locked down to allow this device type to perform only this action in an easy and straightforward way. Note that volunteer intervention may still be required for bib assignments and accepting cash payment. These options can be configured or turned off via the onsite settings page on this dashboard.
4. Repeat for all devices needed and click save