- Login to your dashboard as an Event Organizer
- Navigate to the left of your screen and select 'Management' > 'Participants' followed by 'Participant List' from the Event Organizer Menu
- Review the specifications available to run your report and select the fields you would like to see including 'Products Total' and any other fields under 'PRODUCT FIELDS' and hit 'VIEW RESULTS'
- A list of your participants will open and a Search bar on your right, type the name of the registrant that needs to switch products and the Search bar will start to find matches
- Move your mouse to the right of the registrant's name and click on 'EDIT' and a box of options will open up (pictured below)
- Scroll down through name and personal info until you see the product options (i.e. T-Shirt)
- Using the drop-down options change the option size or color and quantity i.e. Women's S
- When you've made the product change scan to the bottom of the edit modal and hit 'SUBMIT' to confirm the change before navigating away from this page
For more instructions on setting up products and merchandise see our Swag & Merchandise section.