1. Log into your dashboard as an Event Organizer.
2. Navigate to the left of your screen to the search bar in the Event Organizer menu. Search and select Team Settings.
You will be directed to the Team Settings overview page.
3. Under the team category section, click on the category that you would like to add team questions. to.
4. After selecting the category, scroll down to the questions section.
5. Click + Add question.
6. You will then be presented with options in order to create your question.
7. To create your question, enter the question in the question title field.
8. Check off any of the optional fields if they are necessary for your question. These options include:
- Make this question optional: participants who are joining a team have the option to answer the question.
- Question only for team captain: only the team captain will see and answer the question.
- Allow team captain to view team member answers: Team captains will be able to view their teammates' answers in the teams section of their Participant Dashboard.
9. Select how you would like the registrant to answer the question under Question type. You have the option to select:
- Single-line text box
- Multi-line text box
- Multiple choice:
- Checkboxes
- Dropdown
- Radio Buttons
- Segments
10. Once you're satisfied with the question you have created, click Save or Save & exit and your team question will be added to the registration flow.