Creating sub-events (race distances) is 1 of the 7 required steps to take an event page live. Sub-events must be created in order to allow participants to complete a registration on your event.
To learn how to create sub-events on your event, please follow the steps below.
1. From your event dashboard, click on Settings -> Sub-Events.
2. If your event is brand new, you will be redirected to the sub-event creation step. If you have existing sub-events, click the green create sub-event button at the top of the page to begin creating a sub-event.
3. Give your sub-event a name (Ex: 5K, 10K, Half Marathon).
4. Assign a distance to your sub-event. The distance of sub-event field will be used to make your race searchable on Race Roster for participants looking to run a race with that specific distance.
Give your sub-event a description if necessary (optional).
5. Insert a custom sub-event date if the sub-event has a separate date than the event date inputted within the event info settings.
6. Within sub-event type settings, select the type of event for your sub-event (Ex: running, cycling, walking, etc.), this selection will be used to make your event searchable on Race Roster for participants looking for that specific type of race.
Age restrictions can also be put in place if your sub-event has specific ages that should be participating.
7. Select if you'd like to restrict access to this sub-event by locking it from the general public. This will only make the sub-event accessible with the use of an access code.
8. Select if you'd like to include sub-event participants in displayed participant counts. This means that you can include or exclude sub-event totals from being counted towards your overall participant count for the event which is viewable from the main event dashboard.
9. Click Save & Exit once satisfied to complete your sub-event creation.
If you have any questions about creating sub-events, please contact us at