Race Roster has released a new feature that allows for easier and faster searches and edits to participant information. The new participant search tool serves as a more efficient way of editing participant information than the traditional method of searching from the participant list. Event organizers can perform quick and accurate searches based off of name, confirmation number, or bib number. Search results will populate automatically as the search is being performed, with no need to select specific filters, or click any buttons to view search results. Event organizers can also perform quick actions such as initiating transfers, checking runners into the event, sending confirmation and claim emails, etc., faster than from the participant list.
To learn how to use the participant search tool, please follow the steps below.
1. From your event dashboard, click on Participants -> Search participants from the lefthand side menu, or, click the blue Search participants button from the top of the event dashboard page. Users can also click "try participant search" within the new participant search banner displayed in at the top of the main event dashboard page.
2. From your participant search page, begin by searching for a participant using any of the following search criteria:
- Participant name (first or last)
- Confirmation number
- Bib number
3. As you begin entering your search criteria, the participant search tool will actively populate the closest results in realtime as you type.
4. After finding the specific participant from your search. If you would like to view the runner's information, click on their name to expand the view for that runner's race record, or click on full registration details to view the runner's information in more detail.
5. Select the action you'd like to take from the righthand side of the page. By clicking the edit button, the participant edit modal that exists within the participant list will load and allow the event organizer to make any edits to the participant's registration (personal information, product information, etc.). Click save once you have made the necessary edits.
6. By clicking the action button beside the edit button, an event organizer can also make any of the following actions:
- Check-in (check runners into the event manually instead of using the onsite check in app)
- Edit bib number
- Resend confirmation email
- Send claim email (to associate a registration record to a specific Race Roster account)
- Transfer registration
- View transaction receipt
Things to Note
Our new participant search functionality also works with bundle sub-events. Bundle sub-events can be searched, and edits can be made to either the parent bundle sub-event, or the individual sub-events within a bundle by clicking and expanding on the participant's race record.
If you have any questions about our participant search tool, please contact us at director@raceroster.com