When creating products on Race Roster, event organizers have the option to create different options for the product that can be selected during the registration process. For example, when creating a t-shirt product, the even can offer different size options such as small, medium, large, etc.
However, event organizers can also create product options that provide an automatic price increase or decrease for a specific option if desired. For example, an event organizer could charge an automatic $5 price increase if a participant selects a larger t-shirt size such as an XXL. Or, the event could offer an option to not receive a t-shirt and instead receive a small discount on their registration in place of the t-shirt.
To learn how to create products with price increases or decreases within the product options, follow the steps below.
1. From your event dashboard, click on settings -> products from the lefthand side menu.
2. From your product settings, click add new product to create a new product. If you are creating a new product, follow our guide on how to create a product for information on the whole process. If you are selecting an existing product, click edit inventory & pricing.
3. In the Product details section, you can begin entering the product information (name, description, purchase availability dates, etc.)
Under the product options settings, select this product has multiple options. This will allow you to create custom options (different sizes, colours, etc.) for your product that will be selectable during the registration process.
Fill in the remaining product info as needed (product image, product registration settings). Click save & continue to move to configure inventory & pricing settings.
4. Within your inventory & pricing settings, scroll down to the options section. Click the green add option button to begin creating the available options for your product. Give your option a name.
5. Under the new option you have created, toggle the setting this option requires a price adjustment ON. Select if you would like to increase/decrease the price for this option if you want to make a specific option more or less expensive. Alternatively, select discount registration if this option is selected if you wish to discount the sub-event registration fee entirely if this option is selected (Example: Create an option to receive a $5 registration discount in place of receiving a t-shirt.)
6. Click save once you have configured your price adjustment for your product option. Your newly created product and product options will now display within the registration form. Any price increases or decreases will automatically get applied to the participant's order when they arrive at the checkout screen.
If you have any questions, please contact us at director@raceroster.com.