Race Roster's team settings now offer the ability for participants to register themselves for multiple team segments within a single registration. Team captains can now also edit and manage the segment selections of their team members from their participant dashboard.
To edit the segment selections of your registered team members, please follow the steps below.
1. Sign into Race Roster and navigate to your participant dashboard using the dropdown menu from the top righthand corner of the page.
2. From your participant dashboard for the relevant registration, click on the teams section from the top of the participant dashboard to review and agree to the team captain agreement conditions.
3. From your teams section, click on the team actions button, followed by edit segments/legs.
4. A new window will open where the team captain can now select or deselect any currently assigned segments as needed. Click on the white space to open a dropdown menu to make edits, or, click on the X next to a segment to deselect. Click save once you are satisfied with your segment edits.
5. Your segment selections will now be updated and applied to your registered team members.
If you have any questions about editing or managing multipick segments selections for your team, please contact us at support@raceroster.com