For events that would like to offer an easier registration process for large groups, corporate races, etc., allowing for larger purchases of gift codes can help to simplify the registration process. Race Roster also has the ability to offer a pay later option when purchasing registration gift codes which can allow for more flexibility when purchasing larger quantities of registration codes.
To learn how to set up the purchases of registration codes with a pay later option, please follow the instructions below.
1. From your event dashboard, click on Settings -> Sub-Events
2. Within your sub-event settings, create a new sub-event that is specific for purchasing registration codes (ex: Purchase Charity Codes). This sub-event will act as a placeholder to complete a registration while purchasing the larger quantity of registration codes.
3. Make your newly created sub-event free within your event's pricing settings. The purchaser of the codes will not be charged for the sub-event, but will be charged the total of all of the codes purchased during the registration process.
4. From your event dashboard, click on Add-Ons -> Gifts
5. Turn on the enable registration gifting toggle to enable gifts on your events and to begin creating your gift settings.
6. After enabling registration gifting, click on the gift settings tab to select which sub-events can be sold as gifts during the registration process. Gift purchase dates can either be set to mimic the registration open/close dates, or, a custom date can be inputted.
If you wish to allow for subsidized purchases for gifts (the purchaser of the gift pays a portion of the gift, and the recipient of the gift pays the remaining balance of the gift's cost when redeeming the code), click on allow subsidized gift purchases.
7. Next, click on the registration gift settings tab to allow for gift purchases to be made during the registration process.
8. Enable the pay later settings toggle to allow for larger group purchases to be billed at a later time. To easily bill a customer for their registration code purchases at a later time, enable the create invoice setting. In order to generate a unique invoice for each purchase, an invoice template must be created. Click on invoice template settings page to begin creating an invoice template.
9. Fill in the necessary fields for your invoice template that you wish to include on every invoice created moving forward. Click save changes once complete.
10. Return to your registration gift settings within your gift settings page. Select your invoice template as the default template to use for any "pay later" gift purchases that take place.
11. As registrants purchase gift codes during registration, they can select the pay later option from the gift codes purchase screen during registration. The user can fill out their billing information for the invoice from this screen.
12. After the user has completed the purchase, the event organizer can find their pre-generated invoice to send to the user from their invoice report within the event dashboard. From your invoice report, click edit next to the invoice that was created, and then click save and submit invoice to send the invoice to the user to complete the payment.
If you have any questions about creating gift codes with pay later settings enabled, please contact us at