If you are using the Race Roster results calendar and would like to add an event that did not use the Race Roster registration platform, just follow the steps below:
Method #1
1. Go to your Timer Dashboard
2. Make sure you are on the My Events tab, navigate to the bottom and click the green Create Event button, followed by create results event.
3. Fill out the mandatory event information
- Event Name (mandatory)
- Event Subtitle (optional)
- Event Website (optional)
- Event Summary (mandatory)
- Event Type (mandatory)
- Company (optional)
- Event Location (mandatory)
- Event Date (mandatory)
- Event State/Province (mandatory)
- Event Country (mandatory)
- Event Type (optional) - Use the drop down to select the type of event (i.e. running, walking, cycling, etc.)
- Time Zone (mandatory)
- URL (optional) - Custom URL - can be displayed as a button on calendar and results widgets
- Button Text (optional) - Text on button for the custom URL
Method #2
1. Go to your homepage.
2. Click the green Create button followed by Create an event
3. Begin entering in the event information as listed in method #1. For the field Event Format, select the option Upload start list (no registration) to create a non-registration event that will solely be used for posting results.
4. Finish entering in your event information and click create event to complete the process. You can now use your new event dashboard to host results without any registration component.
If you have any questions about posting results for events, please contact us at timer@raceroster.com