Report templates through the participant list are a great way to save report formatting that you might re-use on a regular basis. This feature can be used for a variety of purposes, including creating custom product reports if your event will be shipping products to participants on a regular basis.
To learn how to create report templates from the participant list, follow the steps below.
1. From your event dashboard, click on Participants -> Participant List to access your event's participant list where we will create our report templates.
2. Navigate to the left hand side of the page and you will be able to choose some optional configurations for the report, depending on your needs. You can also leave the default configurations.
- Report template (if one has been saved)
- Sub event
- Date range
- Country format (2 character code, 3 character code, Country Name)
- Date format (YYYY-MM-DD, MM/DD/YYYY, DD/MM/YY, etc.)
- Participant display (active, inactive, etc.)
- Age to display (age on event day, age at the end of the year, age on date registered, etc.)
- Bib details
4. Scroll down and select the fields you would like to include in the report (i.e. first name, last name, email, swag item, etc.)
5. Click Save as new report template
6. A new box will pop up that will allow you to name the template and select whether it will be private (only you can access). If you leave it 'public' any director with access to your event and participant data will be able to use your template.
7. Click save.