Note: Click here for more information on customizing metric pages.
1. Go to your event dashboard and ensure you are on the correct event.
2. Navigate to the left hand side and select Metrics.
3. Select Demographics
4. On the left hand side a Breakdown by weekday presenting a break down of participants that register by weekday
5. Navigate to the top and click the next tab, Breakdown by hour hand side a chart presenting a break down of participants that registered per hour
6. Move to the right hand side to view the Gender breakdown by age chart
7. Navigate to the top and click the next tab, Gender breakdown
8. Scroll further down and a heat map demographic chart. The larger concentration in one particular are of registration, the more red the are will become.
9. Navigate to the top and click on the Locals vs tourists tab.
10. Move to the right hand side and a chart with a list view of Participants by city
11. Navigate to the top of the chart and click the next tab to view Participants by region
12. Navigate to the top of the chart and click the next tab to view Participants by country