There are different methods to assign bibs, one of them is automatically assigning bibs as participants register.
Step 1: Turn on automated bib assignments
1. Go to your Event Dashboard
2. Scroll to the left and click on the Management tab, then Participants and then Bib assignments
3. Ensure that Enable bib assignments is toggled ON
4. Ensure that Alphanumeric bib assignments via .csv is toggled OFF
5. Determine if you will be allowing duplicate bibs and if the duplicate bibs will be for the entire event or by sub-event
6. Select if the automated bib assignment applies to online registration, on-site registration, or both
Step 2: Determine your bib ranges
7. For each sub-event enter the minimum and maximum bib range (i.e. 10k - bib 100-200)
If your event only assigns bibs to specific sub-events, you will still need to enter a bib range number on all sub-events. In this case we recommend using a set of numbers outside the bib numbers you will be using.
8. Click Save
9. The next time a participant registers they will receive their bib number in their confirmation receipt: